Established Since 2015

Yoni Steam


Yoni steam is not like a douche. The yoni steam is not to clean your vagina because by biology it isn't dirty. Called V-steam, Bajo, Chai-Yok.  it helps to reduce period pain, address pre and post menstrual spotting, help regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles, improve fertility, increase circulation and blood flow, speed up healing and tone the reproductive system after child birth, cleanse the uterine lining of old blood. Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis. improve period bleeding that is brown or black in color,relieve systems of menopause including hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

To begin sanitize your toilet and place a stainless steel or heat safe glass bowl into the bowl of your toilet.. Place herbs in a tea ball. boil 6 cups of water or 1.5L in a pot, turn off heat, place tea ball with herbs in pot and cover , let steep for 10 minutes. remove tea ball from pot. Remove pot from stove and transfer the herbal infusion to your steaming station. Disrobe from the waist down and wrap with a large blanket or towel around your waist. Wear warm socks or slippers to keep your feet warm. Steam your vagina for 20 minutes. It should feel pleasant. Once that times has passed try to remain wrapped, lay down and take a nap. This is self care and should not be rushed.

Yoni steam is recommended two to three times a week except during menstruating. Always ensure the steam temperature is mild to avoid scalding, remove genital piercings, Do not use essential oils, be aware of your first cycle after steaming my be heavier and darker ( signs of the body or riding and purging)


Are pregnant or suspect a pregnancy

Are menstruating

Have an infection

Have a IUD

Open cuts, wounds, stitches or sores

Have any chronic reproductive condition
