Established Since 2015

Balsam of Tolu


From Columbia . 1/4 ounce, /2 ounce, 3/4 ounce and 1 ounce

Tolu Balsam, like Benzoin, has a bitter top note which yields to reveal a warm balsamic fragrance with notes of vanilla and cinnamon. The fragrance is considered to be healing and comforting. It is useful for meditation and relaxation.

Tolu Balsam was officially listed in 1882 in European medicine and available in apothecaries as a remedy for coughs and colds as well as for headache and stomach problems. Balsam of Tolu, like that of Peru, is a stimulant, tonic, and expectorant, and may be used as a substitute for it in chronic catarrhs, and other pulmonary affections not actively inflammatory in their character. It is usually preferred on account of its more agreeable flavor, and for which it is often added to cough mixtures. The balsam, dissolved in ether, and the vapor therefrom inhaled, is reputed beneficial in coughs and bronchial affections. Two parts of Tolu, 3 of almond oil, 4 of gum Arabic, and 16 of rose water, make an excellent liniment for excoriated nipples. The dose is from 10 to 30 grains, frequently repeated, and given in tincture, syrup, or similar to balsa
